Inspirational Wall Art for Sale
Become is here to help your mind transform that negative voice inside you by implementing motivational words in your surroundings.
We created designs that will help you use your words with a positive intent to increase self-awareness and acceptance through focus on conscious thoughts
WORDS To Guide: Your Mind
"The infinite intelligence which gave me this desire leads,
guides, and reveals to me the perfect plan for unfolding my
desire. I know the deeper wisdom of my subconscious is now
responding, and what I feel and claim within is expressed in
the without.
I realise that my subconscious mind is a storehouse of
memory. It retains everything I read and hears from my
I have a perfect memory and the Infinite Intelligence in my
subconscious mind constantly reveals everything I need to
My subconscious knows the answer. It is responding to me
now. I give thanks because is revealing to me the perfect
plan for my prayers
I Know I am capable of everything I propose in my life
My thoughts inspire my emotions which inspire my actions
and shape my reality
My future is within my actions
I accept my reality but I will take action every day to
become the person I am meant to be
I trust in my subconscious mind to guide me and lead me to
becoming my true self
I know my purpose but it is within my power to make it into
a reality
I trust my subconscious mind to guide me and lead me to my
chosen path